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A session based auth scheme for hapi


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A Session based auth scheme for Hapi

This scheme is based on hapi-session but the API is a bit diffrent (mostly using async and callback scheme) and most of the underline code has changed. As with the original scheme a lot of the code was gratuitously stolen from the hapi auth cookie scheme, and this module works in much the same way.

This Module will save a cookie with a unique session ID, the ID has high entropy and is randomly secure so it should be impossible to fake. all other data is never sent to the user so you can save in the session whatever information you wont without the fear of it being faked or compromised.


For Hapi 16.x and lower see previous version For demo server example usage see the server.js

Loading the module

await server.register({plugin: require('hapi-sol')});
server.auth.strategy('session', 'session', {/* Options Object*/});

handling Login

After validating the user credentials saving them to the cookie is done by the session.set method

await request.auth.session.set({'logined': true, 'userid': 1});
return h.response('You are being redirected...').takeover().redirect('/');

notice this method is asynchronous. once the user is logged in you will have the credentials passed to the set method available in future connections at -

console.log(request.auth.credentials); //{'logined': true, 'userid': 1}

To logout the user you can either call set with null value or call the clear method

await request.auth.session.set(null);
return h.response('You are being redirected...').takeover().redirect('/');
await request.auth.session.clear();
return h.response('You are being redirected...').takeover().redirect('/');

the clear method will completely remove the session from cache and create a new one while the set method will leave the current session active but unauthenticated. As with the set method clear is asynchronous.

Synchronous methods on request.auth.session

request.auth.session.getId returns the current session ID

Asynchronous methods on request.auth.session

request.auth.session.getSeesion returns the current session object

request.auth.session.setSeesion(session) save session as the current session object

since clients will always have an active persistent session it can be useful to attach some extra data to the session object

//on failed login attempt
const session = await request.auth.session.getSession();
session.attempts = session.attempts ? session.attempts + 1: 1;
await request.auth.session.setSession(session);
if (session.attempts > 5) {
    //block user ip

Notice that the session Object has two internally used properties authenticated Boolean is the true if the session has credentials associated with it. credentials Object credentials saved with the session it better to avoid doing manual changes to this values (use the set method instead) since setSession will not do any validations on your session Object.

Available options

when setting an auth strategy you can set the following options: